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If you can afford to pay your
electricity bill you can afford to go solar.
If you can afford to pay your
electricity bill you can afford 
to go solar.

Electricity rates are unstable and will keep rising in the future. The only way you can lock in an affordable energy rate now is to install a solar energy system on your property.

How much you will save with solar energy, depends on how much you currently pay for electricity in your state.

"On average, solar owners break even with their solar investment in about 8 years."

 However, keep in mind, regardless of where you live, solar is one of the best investments you will ever make.

incentives can reduce your

 solar system net cost

 by 30% to 50% 

Today, The Decision To Go Solar, Is Easier Than Ever!

Solar costs

Years ago solar didnā€™t make sense...
Today it's a no-brainer to make the switch to solar

While electric companies are continuously raising rates to pay for a deteriorating grid put in 100 years ago, the price of solar energy has dropped by more than 70% over the past few decades, leading to a huge surge in consumer demand that has produced now more than two million U.S. installations. 

Consider this, since the year 1980, solar panel prices have dropped by at least 10% every single year. It was only 45 years ago, that solar panels cost over $100 per watt, compared to today with average prices ranging from $2.57 to $3.35 per watt.

For a standard 6 kW home solar system, the average gross cost has fallen from $51,000 to just $17,880 in just the past decade.

 " Utility-scale solar capacity in the US is expected to grow by 21.5 GW during 2022, this new capacity will surpass last year's 15.5 GW of solar capacity additions."

net metering

Offset your utility rates with FREE solar energy

If your Solar GridĀ® generates more energy during daylight hours than you needed, it goes back to the grid and you can later use this energy at night, free of charge. 

Your utility company will "credit" you if there's any excess energy left. Net metering policies differ from state to state, so be sure to investigate what solar incentives your state offers.

"Solar technology is producing more efficient solar power than ever before. Solar panels are now reaching about 30% efficiency, compared to only 15% efficiency about 50 years ago.

federal tax incentives

Take Advantage of Residential and Commercial Tax Credits Before They're Gone!

The most significant solar incentive you can take advantage of is the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows you to deduct 30% of your solar energy system cost from your taxes, if installed before January 1st, 2033. Some states, municipalities, and even utility companies, offer additional solar rebates or other incentives.

However, the Business Energy Tax Credit also offers a 30% tax deduction if installed before 2033.  Commercial solar systems have no maximum limit to the deductible amount and excess credit may be carried forward up to 20 succeeding tax years.

Read more about tax incentives for business owners here.

"Installing solar panels can significantly increase your propertyā€™s value, according to a new study from the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. A solar home will sell for about $15k more."

financing your solar system

 is simple with solar GRIDsĀ®

We have financing options as little as 0% down.

Solar leases

"Rent" out your solar energy system

Solar leasing a like having a lease on a car. The solar company you lease from owns the solar panels, and you pay a fixed monthly ā€œrentā€ in return for use of the system. You receive all the energy from the solar panels, but do not own the panels.

Solar leasing is convenient for people who want to go solar as quickly as possible, without the hassle of needing to pay for maintenance costs, such as replacing an inverter.

For a further explanation of the solar leasing process check out our diagram.


Step 1 - Get started as little as $0 down

The lease provider, in this case, Solar GridsĀ®, will evaluate your home to see if you qualify for solar panel installation by evaluating sun exposure, roof angle and access issues. If your home is approved, you can sign a leasing agreement for as little as $0 down.


Step 2 - Skip the hassle of ownership

Solar Gridsā„¢ will handle the installation, maintenance, monitoring, and insurance for the life of the agreement, which is usually up to 20 years. That's right, Solar GridsĀ® solar lease comes with 20 years of service and support. You will never be a stressed solar owner.


Step 3 - Pay as you go and save money

Your power rates with Solar Gridsā„¢ are locked in for the life of the agreement. So when utility rates start to rise (and they most definitely will), your rates stay the same and your power savings will really take off. And hereā€™s the best part, if your solar system over- produces, you get to keep the additional energy for free.

Our power purchase agreement

 (PPA) is unlike any other 

Our PPA option is The most attractive financing plan on the market!


A Power Purchase Agreement made for everyone

A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is very similar to solar leasing, in that you purchase the electricity your solar system produces at a discounted, pre-determined rate, for as little as 0% down, and never have to pay for solar panel maintenance.

However, with a PPA, instead of paying to ā€œrentā€ the solar panel system, you agree to purchase the power generated by the system at a set per-kWh price. That way you only pay for the energy you use, and never a cent more!

Our special advantage to the typical PPA offered by other solar providers is our Peer-to-Peer PPA Program.

"Our Peer-to-Peer PPA Program is a peer-to-peer solar financing program, offering major incentives to customer and provider, like no other solar financing program."

Peer-to-peer PPA benefits


Power Partnerā„¢ benefits

Easy application process 

Apply to see you if qualify and once approved, we'll match you with a solar provider that will pay for your solar system and all its related costs!

Save BIG on energy rates

Once we match you with a solar provider you can sign your PPA agreement for as little as 0% down, and start saving BIG on your energy bills.

No repair costs ever

As a Peer-to-Peer customer, you will never have to stress out about solar panel maintenance, repairs, or replacements. Your solar provider covers it all!

Donā€™t rely on power from 3rd parties anymore. Take the power back and be your own energy company.



from unreliable

 & costly energy bills

And Feel the Freedom of Energy Independence with Solar GridsĀ®